Detective SpotIt

Platform : Apple IOS, Google Play
Developer : Alexander Urik
Languages : English
Content Rating : Rated for 3+
Size : 78MB
Detective Spot It made by Unity has a awesome spy theme song which captivates you when opening the game. The moment you press play it entails your objectives and the time you are allocated to do to complete before continuing onto your other objectives which really makes it more challenging due to the time frame you are given.
I only wish this game allows a little more time on some of the tasks for it is similar to “Where’s Wally” only in this game you are trying to find and match the objective which this games gives you.
Very simple and easy to follow with awesome theme song that makes you feel like a real detective, i think young adults will love playing this and if i could make a suggestion.. think it would be great if this game could allow also challenges with other contestants since this game is rather competitive (due to the time allowance) and brain challenging which you will need to have photographic memory capabilities for finding missing items and matching them before your time runs out which isn’t that long when you are trying hard to concentrate and find the right object for you’re only given three tries in finding before time runs out and the game is over.
I give this cool game 3 stars