Jump Jump GO!!

Platform : Apple IOS, Google Play
Developer : Sarah Adams
Languages : English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chin
Content Rating : Rated for 3+
Size : 104MB
Jump Jump Go is a delightful game. Even though it is simple in nature the challenging part is finding the right jump height and pressure in accordance to allowing the jump! With each new jump platform appears after when completing your jump, the platforms changes to different objects and sizes to make your task in clearing and jump challenging and exciting.
I found myself totally loosing the track of time as it captivate you for long periods while playing. This game is deffently a keeper on my phone. I totally love how in this game there is no sound which really makes you think about your jump as each landing platform is different and that is how you can totally get into while playing this game, but when you press down to make your jump you can only hear the sound your aviator makes before jumping and also when landing clearing onto the other platform which really makes this game so much fun to play.
I give this game 4 stars